
Before the Challenge Begins...

If you truly want change to land in your business and life,
it's important to prepare a runway

Here's an invitation to Clean up a Mess. This is a lesson from the I share with members of ShowBiz Blueprint before the course even starts - and I believe it's one of the most important lessons you can commit to before the challenge begins.

Don't over-complicate this - or make it too simple. 

Clean up one mess in your living space. Something that has haunted you for a while.

Clean up one relationship in your life. Someone who has haunted you for a while. Could be a phone call or in person - get in right relationship with this person.

Extra Credit - Create a notebook where you can record your 5 Day Show Business Challenge actions, brainstorms, goals, and assignments.

If you are in the VIP Experience - make sure and post your actions in the Telegram Group!

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